3 Tips to Make Your Easter Egg Hunt Party More Fun For Kids
It’s Easter again!
This means it's another year of looking and finding those delicious Easter eggs. Celebrating this time can be something that your family can look forward to annually.
Since face-to-face interactions are now allowed in most areas in Australia and around the world, it is important to get your Egg Hunt Party game face on.
Happy Easter! Celebrating Easter can be such a fun family tradition. Hosting the perfect Easter Egg Hunt is essential to getting your Easter started right. Whether holding it in your own backyard or a public park, you can definitely make this year’s egg hunting a memorable one.
Here are some tips you would want to consider when organizing an Easter egg hunt party for kids:
- Use different types of eggs for variety.
Want to make sure that everyone has their share? As much as possible, hide more eggs. In fact add more for the curious grown ups who also would like a treat or two.
When you prepare your eggs, try using different kind. You can dye actual eggs so achieve that colorful. Prepare hard-boiled eggs in a container and then put drops of food coloring. You can add more drops if you want the eggs to have a brighter color.
You can also try putting chocolate eggs in the mix. You can buy these at your nearest department stores. Another alternative is to buy plastic eggs and fill them with candy. You can vary your eggs for more exciting prizes.
- Keep the game fair and age-appropriate.
When organizing the game, make sure that you are setting the difficulty of the hiding places according to the age of the participating children.
If most of your participants are kids who are two years old and below, put the eggs on the floor, lawn, or somewhere they can easily see. Remember, some of your participants have just learned how to walk so simply getting the eggs can be a challenge for them.
If your participants are toddlers who are three to six years old, you can already hide the eggs but make sure you are hiding them in obvious places. For example, you can put them behind pots, under rocks, or behind trees. To make the game a bit challenging, you can assign a specific color of egg to each to the children. So if one child is assigned red eggs, he or she can’t get yellow eggs even if they find them first.
For ages six and above, you can make the hiding places more challenging or you can organize a scavenger hunt complete with clues or stations where they have to complete a task or answer a question first before getting the egg.
- Have other activities or games besides the egg hunt.
The Easter egg hunt is the main event in a party. But the thing is, it can be over pretty quickly. So, it is best to have other activities or games besides the main egg hunt. One idea is to set up a jumping castle hire Gold Coast to keep the kids entertained while waiting for the egg hunting to start. Besides having a jumping castle hire Gold Coast, you can also create a craft station where they can color books, create their own necklace or bunny ears. You can also throw in some simple games for the kids to make the party fun and memorable.
Excited for your Easter egg hunting party? Try these three tips to take it to the next level.
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